Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Golden Gate 75

Golden Gate 75
A friend called me a few weeks ago, just 2 hours before we left for a girl's weekend in Santa Cruz.  CJ's blood orange tree was loaded and she had fresh juice...."Could I come up with a cocktail?" Could I? I was rapturous! (sad, but true)

After a mere 15-second search on Google, I found this cocktail, that not only used the gorgeous juice my friend had, but spoke to my "bitter is bella" palette by using Campari.   A bartender in San Fransisco came up with this recipe to commemorate the Golden Gate Bridge's 75th Anniversary. Obviously, being a transplanted Californian originally from the south, it seemed only respectful that I make this cocktail and toast to the architectural wonder that is the Golden Gate bridge......even if I am 8 months late in the commemorating........

Golden Gate 75 ~ RECIPE: (Makes 2 drinks) 
(I added all ingredients, expect for the sparkling wine,  in a Pyrex measuring cup)

2 oz. Campari

2 oz. FRESH blood orange juice

1 oz. Simple Syrup (I buy Trader Joe's Simple Syrup in a bottle, then make my own & keep it filled)

3 dashes of  Orange Bitters (Regan's Orange Bitters No. 6)

about 3 oz of California Sparkling or Proseco per drink

Mix 1st 4 ingredients in a liquid measuring cup, split between 2 large Martini Glasses, top with sparkling wine and a strip of zest

(I made this again after Valentine's Day for my sister in Law who prefers sweeter drinks) 

Sweeter Version, less bitter

(use Aperol instead of Campari, it is beautifully herbaceous like Campari, but less bitter).
Aperol was once called "Campari's hot younger sister."

double-to-triple the simple syrup and skip the bitters, you could even use a sweet sparkling

Making Simple Syrup
Heat 2 cups of water and 2 1/4 cup sugar in a saucepan until sugar dissolves. 
Remove form heat, let cool to room temperature.  
chill in air tight container in the fridge!

Side Notes:  
  • Thank you bridge for being red and hence requiring the mixologist to reach for the Campari, as to make the drink a liquid salute to your color.
  • Oh and thank you bartender Camper English for being swanky enough to create this drink and for in fact reaching for Campari and not grenadine.
  • CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE:   I stole the term "bitter is bella" and the nickname for Aperol from Jason Wilson, the author of BOOZEHOUND: a must read. Such a funny & informative book for anyone who is interested in some cocktail learnin'.
  • This cocktail is a nod to the French 75, a drink made in 1915 at the New York Bar in Paris. The combination --which is often gin, lemon juice & Champagne--was said to have such a kick that it felt like being shelled with the powerful French 75mm field gun.  In this Golden Gate 75, the Campari replaces the gin and the blood orange juice the lemon.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Lynnie! It was nice meeting you today while you were pickin up blog material. I remembered the wine and marketing enthusiasts name, Gary Vaynerchuck. Your blog is awesome! I'll try and stop by now and again.

