Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Skinny Hawaiian

For those of you who know me, you know that I rarely do low-calorie, low-fat anything.  I know I should, but it sort of goes against my hedonistic philosophy in the way of food and drink.  HOWEVER, I have a lot of health-savvy, in-shape friends (Riina) who deeply care about their libations not setting them back 1200 calories.  I get it.  I have promised to feature such a drink but can't seem to bring myself, in good conscious, to recommend anything containing bubble gum vodka.  I just can't do it.  So, this is a "skinny" drink that actually has some complexity and flavor.  This drink accomplishes a lot.  It isn't an affront to my pallet while simultaneously not being a caloric affront to my in-shape chicas.  And it is, after all, swimsuit season.

Skinny Hawaiian

2 shot glasses of your favorite vodka
2 shot glasses of pineapple juice
3 shot glasses of Cherry-Pomegranate Crystal Light
(add 2 tsp Agave Nectar for a sweeter drink)

Shake in shaker with ice and serve up in a Martini Glass
top off with a generous splash of diet 7-up

you can garnish with blueberries or a pineapple ring & mint goes well with this too


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