Friday, March 1, 2013

Salty Dog

My Go-To Drink has always been a Salty Dog

The old school traditional Salty Dog was made with Gin. While I have grown to love Gin, I prefer Vodka in this drink, which is what you would typically get if you order this in a bar.

fill tall thin glass with crushed ice
add 3 oz vodka
add 7 oz of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice
The fresh juice is KEY to this drink's sublime flavor, I use a mixture of sour & Ruby Red. You can use Gin if you don't care for vodka

Pour drink in a larger glass or shaker
rim original tall thin glass with grapefruit piece & dip in a tray of Maldon salt (Kosher works perfectly fine as well)
Pour drink back into rimmed glass and garnish with grapefruit pieces. 
Drink with Straw

You can also make this drink in a shaker with ice and drink up (no ice)
Jazz this drink up with a top off of Grapefruit Soda!

Although this is indeed delicious as a summer drink, I make it in January & February because the grapefruit trees produce fruit here in the Central Valley this time of year.  I now look so forward to my: 
"It's Winter-but Spring-is-coming Salty Dogs!"

When we were in our early 20's, my dear friend April & I took a trip from Florida to New York on Amtrak. We still have so many memories from that trip we took over 20 years ago.  The flirty Firefighters in our train car, the freezing snow whipping about as we tried to gallery hop. We even went to the top of the World Trade Center and I still have our photos and a ticket stub from that day. It makes me teary when I look at us on top of those towers.  Another stark, lighter, funnier memory is our night out for drinks in the village with some friends. When I ordered a Salty Dog, our waitress, who had the most delicious Brooklyn accent, returned to the table, slapped down her 4-inch bedazzled acrylic nails on the table and told me: "Honey, your gonna have to EEE-laborate on that SAUL-tee Dow-ug"

I still use that accent when announcing that I am making this drink!
(luckily my husband finds this mildly charming).


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