Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Welcome to my Cocktail, Wine, Beer, Hard alcohol, Mead, etc.... Blog ~

I actually had a photo of me at the BEGINNING of a party, which is key--and rare. I DID NOT look like that at the end of said party, but I chose this photo because, and anyone who knows me will tell you, it is no shock to find a photo of me imbibing, drink in hand, rosy cheeked. (also my hair never looks this good so that is clearly the main reason).

It seems I am always thinking of my liquid companion to my equally thought-invading preoccupation with food. (I come from a family that plans lunch over breakfast and dinner all afternoon).  I am always making drinks,  photographing my drinks,  having people over for drinks, researching the origins of cocktail ingredients, reading books about Rum or Bourbon or Italian wine, putting drink menus in my purse--much to my husband's horror--- at restaurants and trying to recreate them at home, looking for the perfect new summer cocktail, the perfect wine to drink with some meal, the perfect beer for what we grill---you get the picture!

I decided it was time to share this with my friends and family in an effort to make my obsession--or love affair with drinking, as I like to call it-- somehow seem "useful."

They say do what you love.  So here it is, my libation blog is born on this rainy day in February.

Tip: take Milk Thistle, allegedly it keeps your liver in good shape and if you follow me, you are going to need it!

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